The Meaning of Marriage
Timothy Keller (352 pgs, Penguin)
If we could recommend one book on marriage, this would be it.
“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.”
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
John Gottman (320 pgs., Harmony)
A New York Times best-seller.
University of Washington researcher John Gottman provides the empirical data and the practical how-to’s for building a healthy marriage. Whether yours is going well or falling apart, Gottman’s book offers guidance and encouragement. His principles have enabled him to predict the long-term outcomes of over 400 couples with 94% accuracy!
What Did You Expect?
Paul David Tripp (280 pgs., Crossway)
For Paul Tripp, the moment spouses recognize the hardship in marriage is the moment when the real marriage begins. Both practical and wise, this book will nudge you toward the gospel and help your marriage reflect the love of Christ.
How To Stay Married
Harrison Scott Key (320 pgs., Simon & Schuster)
This will be the wildest true story you have ever read (except for the Bible). Harrison Scott Key is an award-winning comedic writer — and he’s also a Christian — whose life got upended when his marriage broke down. How he got back up again and how he learned to extend the grace of Jesus is a story of stories.
P.S. This is a top-notch audiobook.
Sacred Marriage
Gary Thomas (272 pgs, Zondervan)
Thomas’ book revolves around a single question: what if God designed your marriage to make you holy more than to make you happy? Once we discover God’s greater purpose for us, we can pursue that purpose day after day discovering a deeper joy than fleeting happiness.
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