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Resources for the formation of wisdom.

Invest in Wisdom

Your donation supports resources and experiences that cultivate Christian wisdom and virtue. Thank you for your support.

Proverbs 16:16 says, "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!"

Your investment advances Lakelight's mission to provide timeless wisdom for modern life.

Ways to Give

Lakelight cannot do this without the financial support of our investors.
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You can make a recurring or individual gift by clicking below.
Write a Check
You can make a payable to Lakelight Institute.
Lakelight Institute
100 N Waukegan Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Stock Gift or Planned Giving Options
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Annual Report

Read our 2024 highlights.
2024 Annual Report

All Donations are Tax-Deductible. Lakelight Institute is a 501C3.

The Friday Update is growing.

And, it will remain a free newsletter.

Still, we are asking you to consider supporting this resource to help cover the growing operational costs.

There are two monthly options:

Friends ($5)

Partners ($50)

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Our Friends and Partners will receive exclusive access to podcasts.