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3 Books on Time Management
Mar 18, 2025
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Deep Work

(304 pgs, Grand Central Publishing)

A Wall Street Journal Bestseller.Productivity begins with Deep Work: tasks completed in a state of concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. By mastering deep work, you can produce high-quality results in less time. Newport offers a rare jewel: how to rid life of distraction, and accomplish your goals.

Atomic Habits

James Clear's book Atomic Habits
(320 pgs, Avery)

Atomic Habits topped Amazon’s best-seller chart for over a year. 15 million people have benefitted from Clear’s insights into habit formation. In his words, “you do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.”

Redeeming Your Time

(256 pgs, Waterbrook)

Combining the theological and the practical, Redeeming Your Time is a template for getting things done & living your entire day with God. In the words of pastor John Mark Comer, “Jordan Raynor’s paradigm of purpose, presence, and productivity is excellent. But learning it from Jesus? That’s the magic.”

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