Lakelight Class: Truth in the Noise
Spend 4 weeks studying the the role Christianity has played in shaping Western Thought. This fast-paced course will be a fly over from Aristotle to AI, from beliefs of early church councils to values of modern universities.
1 May
Christ Church Lake Forest
Start time
7:00 pm
Early Bird:

Nancy Ortberg

Our culture is confused. Globalization, immigration, Artificial Intelligence, geopolitical instability, institutional rot — these forces have shaken our society. To gain a measure of clarity, we need to step back and see the bigger picture. Truth in the Noise will explore the foundations of western culture, examine the state of the world today and consider what Jesus Christ can offer in this moment. We will gain insight into what's happening in culture today and wisdom about how to live well within a world of dizzying change.

We are excited to learn from the following thought leaders:
Mike Woodruff
Senior Pastor and Lakelight Board Chairman
Mike Woodruff has served as the Senior Pastor at Christ Church since 2002. Prior to this he was a college pastor (’85-92), a management consultant (’92-99) and an associate pastor (‘99-02). Mike has published more than 200 articles and written and edited ten books. He has degrees from DePauw University and Trinity International University. He is the chairman of the board for Lakelight Institute.
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